Western Investor: Element secures major Langley and Victoria developments
Original article at this link: http://www.westerninvestor.com/news/british-columbia/element-lifestyle-retirement-secures-major-langley-and-victoria-developments-1.22623857
*NOTE: The writer of this news article provided a listing of sales and leasing statistics for another Element project, OPAL by element, in the same paragraph as the new Bayview project, which site was only just acquired on August 29, 2017. (OPAL by element™ is Element’s flagship, located in Cambie Village of the west side of Vancouver.) Marketing has not commenced on the project at the Victoria location. Element is commencing work with the City of Victoria and our design team within the next week, with the goal of submitting a Development Permit Application at the end of the year or early next year. Marketing will not begin until we have a Development Permit Approval. For direct inquiries about this project, kindly email CandyHo@ElementLiving.com
Element Lifestyle Retirement secures major Langley and Victoria developments
Both residences will be intergenerational communities welcoming residents of all ages